​Are you looking for a photographer for aesthetic nude photos and boudoir photos in Cologne, Bonn or Aachen?  Photo studio for nude photography and lingerie photos

​Many customers from Cologne, Aachen and Bonn have already made their way to my photo studio. Of course, there are also a variety of photo studios locally. However, if you are looking for something very special, then the photographers on site usually offer rather the standard program.

​Since 2008, I have specialized only in nude photography, received more than 40 awards and offer you in my 360sqm photo studio probably the largest variety of options for a nude photo shoot in all of Germany.

Aktfotos Köln und Bonn Fotostudio Fotograf Boudoir-Fotografie und Dessousfotos Erotikfotos machen lassen
​No time limit

​A whole photo shoot day just for you and your beauty. 
No clock ticking in the background here. 

​Type appropriate image editing

​Image editing with the latest software, a trained eye and a lot of flair for authentic photos.

​For every woman

​Let yourself be surprised how I put you in scene. With the right perspective, light & shadow and a favorable pose easier than you think. From 18 to 99 years, from skinny to curvy.

100% ​Discretion

​No one but you and I will see your photos - no one will know you were here. After the photo shoot and the encrypted photo delivery, your photos will be irrevocably deleted.

​Makeup artist

​The perfect look for your photo shoot. My trained make-up artist team conjures up the perfect make-up and a wonderful hairstyling.

100 ​Possibilities

​The photo studio offers you on 360 square meters incomparable many possibilities for very special nude photos / lingerie photos.

​Digital body painting

​Have your body transformed into a colorful work of art without holding still for hours. Digital body paintings for body landscapes are included in the price.

International awarded

​Kristian Liebrand has specialized exclusively in nude photography of women since 2008 and has received more than 60 international
awards for his nude art photographs.