​Find a photographer for nude photos in Nürnberg, Regensburg or Würzburg (Bavaria)

​An erotic photo shoot for aesthetic nude photos of you - that's what many reputable photographers / photographers from Bavaria offer you. If it should be something more than just standard, the selection becomes more difficult. A nude photo shoot should finally be something very special. Creative, true to type and not like anyone can snap. At the photo shoot you should feel comfortable, this is best done without time pressure. The photo studio should not only offer you a paper background, but special backdrops and fancy props. The image processing should emphasize your assets without making the pictures look unnatural.

Many wishes that perhaps not all photographers in the region of Nuremberg (Außenstadt Süd - Mitte mit Altstadt - Nordstadt - Oststadt - Südstadt - Südoststadt - Weststadt), Regensburg (Innenstadt, Westenviertel, Ostenviertel), Würzburg (Mönchberg, Frauenland und Gartenstadt Keesburg, Altstadt) and Erlagen can fulfill 100%. If they are not specialized in nude photography, for example. A super photographer for application photos does not necessarily create particularly good nude photos. Just as a good nude photographer can not necessarily make great application photos. 

​Kristian Liebrand is a professional nude photographer and image editor since 2008 and has the experience of more than 1,000 nude shoots, most of them with private photo shoot beginners.

He has received national and international awards for many nude images. Many media, including stern, RTL, sat1 etc, have reported on his work as a photo artist. His photo studio offers on generous 360sqm elaborate backdrops with Desinger furniture and props, which probably do not exist in a photo studio from Bavaria and other states in this design.

The photo shoot is without time limit and all poses are suggested and shown to you. If desired, you can get styling from an experienced makeup artist for makeup and hair.

​No time limit

​A whole photo shoot day just for you and your beauty. 
No clock ticking in the background here. 

​Type appropriate image editing

​Image editing with the latest software, a trained eye and a lot of flair for authentic photos.

​For every woman

​Let yourself be surprised how I put you in scene. With the right perspective, light & shadow and a favorable pose easier than you think. From 18 to 99 years, from skinny to curvy.

100% ​Discretion

​No one but you and I will see your photos - no one will know you were here. After the photo shoot and the encrypted photo delivery, your photos will be irrevocably deleted.

​Makeup artist

​The perfect look for your photo shoot. My trained make-up artist team conjures up the perfect make-up and a wonderful hairstyling.

100 ​Possibilities

​The photo studio offers you on 360 square meters incomparable many possibilities for very special nude photos / lingerie boudoir photos. and ​for a rain photo shoot.

​Digital body painting

​Have your body transformed into a colorful work of art without holding still for hours. Digital body paintings for body landscapes are included in the price.

International awarded

​Kristian Liebrand has specialized exclusively in nude photography of women since 2008 and has received more than 60 international
awards for his nude art photographs.

Ästhetische, erotische Bilder

Ein gutes Fotos lässt Platz für die Fantasie des Betrachters und zeigt nicht alles.

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